Friday, November 18, 2011

New Year's Eve

   So I am not in any way bashing the talents of Garry Marshall, but I have to point out a few obvious things about the film that bother me:

   The film is called "New Year's Eve". It is packed with an all-star cast that includes such players as Robert De Niro, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Michelle Pfeiffer. As I mention earlier, it was directed by Garry Marshall. 

    The movie promises a romantic comedy that will include all of the criteria expected of it, and will make us feel the way it should; however, it looks rather familiar.....

    A film centered around the romantic lives of several couples; a holiday known for its whimsical vibe; and a cast that includes Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Biel. Is this a remake of Valentine's Day?

    I mean, COME ON!!! Even the cover-art is similar! I liked Valentine's Day, and I'm sure I'll like New Year's Eve---But I've got to say...I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of originality!