Monday, April 11, 2011


         So I realize that I haven't posted in FOREVER and that the only two posts I have successfully added were not exactly a day apart. Let's just say I've been sick, busy,forgetful, and just plain lazy. My blogging habits have never been ideal;even when it comes to something like a book form of a diary and such things, my entries decrease in number and increase in time lapse. However, after recently re-watching the movie "Julie and Julia" I have been hit with an immense amount of guilt, as well as a wave of inspiration when seeing what came from her blogging expedition.
          From this day forward, I will post regularly, and will do my best to make it daily. Even if it is a paragraph, a sentence about film or anything film related I will share my thoughts. After all, if I want to be recognized by anybody...I kind of have to do or say something worth being noticed.
          I am going to ask that anybody who reads this blog, please comment. Whether your words be good, bad, or brief I want to know that my ideas aren't just some lonely blob of words out in cyberspace.