Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ricky Gervais--Hollywood Martyr?

     There's been a lot of buzz about  British comedian Ricky Gervais lately. Gervais hosted the 2011 Golden Globe Awards, and did nothing but would should have been expected of him. The man is well known for his sense of humor that is satirical in all aspects of the word--sarcasm, irony, and ridicule are the fundamentals of his personalty, and if anyone should be shunned by the celebrity community it should be the ones who hired him to host the awards in the first place;but let's examine the situation further. Don Rickles--now there is a man who in his career has roasted anyone and everyone he could;if Rickles did what Gervais did, would the public be as equally harsh?Hell no! He would receive a standing ovation and be declared a comedy legend in his own lifetime. 
   So why is it that someone as talented as Ricky Gervais can't do what others have been doing for years? Well, it doesn't help that America is full of hypocritical church goers. Every nominee who wins an award is allowed to go up there and thank their god for all of their success; but when an atheist expresses his opinion, all hell breaks loose.
   On "Piers Morgan Tonight", Gervais made it clear that he would not apologize for any comments he made during the Golden Globes. And that is why I continue to love Hollywood's martyr--Ricky Gervais.

Friday, January 28, 2011

No Country For Old Spacemen?

      Since the release of Clint Eastwood's directorial piece "Space Cowboys" in 2000, I have been on a roller coaster of emotions-unable to decide my opinion of the film. With a cast that includes A-List actors, it should have been an instant classic. No matter the amount of confusion I have about my personal assessments of it, I am sure it is not worthy of such a title. 
      For those of you who haven't seen the movie, the plot follows the story of a retired engineer who is hired for a project involving a malfunctioned satellite; his only condition to accepting the job is that his old work crew join him on the space voyage. 
      Normally, a movie that headlines Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, James Garner, and James Cromwell in addition to several other reputable players would be a hit in my book. And I will admit, the movie had it's moments of clever and quirky instances; but I cannot get over the plot that even for fiction, is just too far-fetched. In the event that the entire world was aware that the chosen engineer was indeed the best in the business world-wide, a space crew made entirely of senior citizens would just never happen. It might have been more believable had the character been hired to oversee a crew of younger members with better health and reflexes.
        In concluding this wishy-washy review, I must apologize. It certainly isn't traditional for a critic to be on both sides of the fence when critiquing. So allow me to break it down for you--The plot of this movie is too preposterous to believe and could have used better writing. The cast is compiled with some of the best of the best, and had top-notch performances for the absurdity of the situations of the characters.